Kamis, 06 September 2012

New Day

okay, i have a few days until back to my routine in new semester..
and of course this is the last time to having fun because in my new semester, i'll doing my thesis..
my another friends maybe can take their thesis on their last semester (8th), almost of them i mean, but proudly, i take on my 7th semester.. i should proud to myself , right? but i prefer to sad right now hwaaaa :'(

anyway, yesterday i bought some present for my friends birthday.. these are, a pair of flowery brown shoes and black polcadot bra hihi looks so cute right? :p

shoe from Nevada and bra from Wacoal

 i also got this lovely skirt from LM Hardware

and this is my outfit yesterday..

me on my lovely pattern unbranded dress and black top from Mississippi also unbranded wedges

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